Admission Alert - 31th December 2012 In West Delhi
School / University: DPS Rohini School
Paschim Vihar - Delhi - (India)
1. SACHDEVA PUBLIC SCHOOL(Air Conditioned Recognised Sr. Sec. Schools affiliated to C.B.S.E.)Address 1. : Maurya Enclave, Pitampura delhi- 110088Ph : 27322252,27322371Address 2. : Sector-13, Rohini Delhi- 110085Ph : 27566176,27566177Registration For Admission Opens For 2013-2014 w.e.f. 01st Jan. 2013For Pre-School(Age : 3 + years as on 31.03.2013)Registration froms available from 8.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.Forms for E.W.S. AND Disadvanaged group also available.------------------------------------------------------2. BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOLAddress : Parwana Road, Pitampura, Delhi- 110034Ph : 27028600, 27028700 CORRIGENDUMPlease refer to the advt. dated 23rd December, 2012 in Hindustan Times with regard to Montessori Admission for the session 2013-2014.The 2nd eligibility condition may be read as "The Child should be born between 01.04-2009 to 31.03.2010".----------------------------------------------------------------3. ST. THOMAS' SCHOOLGoyala vihar, Near Sec -19. Dwarka, New Delhi-71Phone. No. : 011-25317321, 25317322REGISTRATION FOR CLASSNURSERY (PRE-SCHOOL0(Academic Session 2013-14)Age 3 Years as on 31st March 2013Online Registration forms available on school website from 1st Jan. to 15th Jan. 2013 Forms for EWS category will be available at the school gate between 09:00 am to 12:00 noonRegistration forms also available for classes KG to IX on the school websiteE-mail : admission@stthomasdwaka.comWebsite VIKAS BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOLSector-24. Rohini, Delhi - 110085Phone : 27052641, 27052642, 27052662REGISTRATION/ADMISSION OPENFor Pre-School (3+) Session 2013-2014Application forms can be obtained from 1st Jan., 2013 to 15th Jan., 2013 between 8.30 a.m. & 1.30 p.m.Last date for submission of form is 15th Jan., 2013. Forms can also be downloaded from Schoolwebsite. Mount Abu Public SchoolSector-5 Rohini Delhi - 110085Phone : 27041516, 27931819ADMISSION NOTICE REGISTRATION OPEN Session 2013-2014for PRES SCHOOL(Nursery), 3 + as on 31.03.2013Registration forms are available online at School Reception from 1st Jan'13 to 15th Jan'13 Between 8.00 a.m & 1.00 : D.L.D.A.V. MODEL SCHOOLBN-Block, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi-110088Ph. : 27473634,27474342ADMISSIONS OPEN FOR NURSERY SESSION- 2013-14Registration Forms will be available on the school website from 1st January, 2013 to 15th January, 2013 for online registration only.There is no provision for offline registration.Printed copy of the Registration Form must be dropped in the drop box at Gate No. 1 of the school latest by 5:00 p.m. on 15th January, 2013.Age Criteria : 3 + as on 31st March, 2013NOTE : Forms for EWS category will be available at the school gate from 1st to 15th January, 2013 between 9:00 a.m to 12:00 noon on all working BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOLSector-14, Rohini, Delhi - 110085Phone No. 27554561, 27554562website:, Dwarka, New Delhi- 110078Phone No. 28031955,28031970website to Pre-School (Montessori-I) 2013-14Registration for Admission can be done from 1st January to 15th January, 2013 by logging on to School websiteEligibility for Admission:-Age: Between 3 and 4 years as on 31.03.2013 (or as directed by competent authority).Other eligibility conditions and further details indicated on School website and notice board.Seats are reserved for EWS/Disadvantaged Group as per rules. Eligible candidates may apply on forms available at School Counter between 9.00 a.m. and 11.00 a.m. on all working days from 2nd January to 16th January, 2013.-----------------------------------------------------------------8. THE SARASWATI EARLY LEARNING CENTREC-69, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi, Phone No. 25423358REGISTRATION OPEN SESSION 2013-2014CLASSES NURSERY, PREP. I to IVELIGIBILITY CRITERIA : Age as on 31st March 2013NURSERY - 3+PREP - 4+Forms available at School office from 01.01.2013 to 15.01.2013 between 10.00 a.m. and 12.00 Noon on all working days.-----------------------------------------------------------------9. Prabhu Dayal Public SchoolShalimar Bagh, Delhi - 110088REGISTRATION OPENPRE-SCHOOL (NURSERY). PRE-PRIMARY(KG) & CLASS-1 SESSION 2013-2014AGE REQUIREMENT AS ON 1.4.2013Pre-School (Nursery) : 3 + yrs.,Pre-Primary (KG) : 4 + yrs.,Class-I : 5 + yrs.,Prospectus and Application Forms available from the Main School Building between 8:30 am & 1 pm on working days.Last Date of Receipt of Applications : 15.01.2013-----------------------------------------------------------------10. THE SALWAN SCHOOLSUnder the aegis of Salwan Education Trust(Estd. 1941)website: www.salwaneducationtrust.orgREGISTRATION FOR PRE-SCHOOL (NURSERY) SESSION 2013-2014I. SALWAN MONTESSORI SCHOOL - Rajinder Nagar, New DelhiII G.D. SALWAN MONTESSORI SCHOOL - Rajinder Nagar, New DelhiIII. SALWAN MONTESSORI SCHOOL - Naraina Vihar, New DelhiIV. SALWAN MONTESSORI SCHOOL - Mayur Vihar, Phase-III, DelhiV. SALWAN PUBLIC SCHOOL * - Sector 15(II), GurgaonVI. SALWAN MONTESSORI SCHOOL * - Sector 5, GurgaonVII. SALWAN PUBLIC SCHOOL - Tronica City, Loni, GhaziabadForms can be obtained from the respective schools from 1st Jan., 2013 to 15th Jan. 2013, between 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on all working days.* Subjec to availability of seats.------------------------------------------------------------------------------11. MAXFORT SCHOOLMaxfort School Pre-Primary - For Nursery & KG 2013-2014 -Zone H 4 & 5, Guru Harkishan Marg, Pitampura Delhi - 110034 Phone No. 27013510/11/12Maxfort School Primary & Middle - For Grades I-VIII 2013-14 - Parwana Road Pitampura, Delhi-110034- Phone No. 27034798/99Maxfort School Senior Secondary - For Nur. to Grade Xii 2013-14- H.S. - 2, Opp. Pkt., - 3, Sector 23, Rohini, Delhi- 110085, Phone No. 27049801/2/3REGISTRATION OPEN From 1st Jan. 2013 onwards.Registration forms for Pre-School(Nursery) (3+), Pre-Primary(KG) (4+) (as on 31st March 2013) and for Grade I- IX, can be collected from all school branches from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the given MOUNT CARMEL SCHOOLSECTOR-22, DWARKA PHASE 1 NEW DELHI- 110077Phone No. 28052001/ admissions@mcsdwarka.orgAdmission NoticeNURSERY & PREPARATORY Session 2013-2014Registration Forms available at the Senior Wings 02-01-2013 to 15-01-2013 ( 8.30 a.m. - 11.30 a.m.)Completed Forms will be received upto 16.01.2013Eligibility CriteriaNursery (Sector 22 and Sector 25) : Age Completing 3 by 30th Sept. 2012Distance : 5 Km Radius from SchoolPreparatory (at Sector 25 only) : Age completing 4 by 30th Sept. 2012Distance : 10 Km Radius from SchoolClasses 1 to 3 (at Sector 25 only) : NEW SECTIONS BEING ADDEDInformation gathered from Internet Click Here