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English Proficiency Study (EPS) PILOT PROJECT

Expert Guidance   Write Comment 10th December, 2013

School / University: iTEP

Delhi - Delhi - (India)

Mobile: 9818304292 , Landline: 9818304292

10- DEC -2013 To 31- DEC -2013

Greetingsfrom iTEP!!!InternationalTest of English Proficiency(A Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India accredited EnglishCertification with international standards)(Awarded by Ministry of Higher Education & TechnicalEducation, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh) I ampleased to inform that your school can be a part of an international levelactivity, the English Proficiency Study (EPS) PILOT PROJECT by iTEP, acommercial free participation for first 25 schools registration,Vadodara, Gujarat, India. The EPS Pilot Project isintended to help selected Indian Schools to check the English proficiency levelof their students & establish a required proficiency level with improvementmeasures. Theaward is for 05 students of each class from 9thto 12thstandards to participate in the administration of the full iTEP SLATE-Plustest, FREE OF COST. iTEP (International Test of English Proficiency) isan innovative Internet-based English Proficiency test with InternationallyRecognized Certification. The test is administered in less time (90minutes) and at a significantly lower cost ($99) than the otherinternationally recognized tests. iTEP measures all key skills Reading, Listening,Grammar, Writing, and Speaking of School students who are non-native speakersof English. iTEPsets a new standard for scheduling flexibility and results availability, and isaccepted by the admissions offices of several hundred US Schools, colleges anduniversities. Many intensive English programs throughout the USA also useiTEP for placement, assessment, and exit testing, as the Academic CredentialsEvaluation Institute (ACEI) and Accrediting Council for Continuing Educationand Training (ACCET) recognize iTEP as an effective tool to validate thecurriculum of intensive English programs. Uponsuccessful participation in the iTEP EPS Project, your School willreceive a detailed report of the individual & group performance. Inaddition, participating students will receive an iTEP Official Score cardand formal Certificate as attached. The awarded project is valued over Rs.2.5 lac + other administrative expenditure but the same is funded by iTEP,HO, USA,if you register before 31stDecember 2013. I look forward to scheduling a meeting& confirmation of participation of your school in an internationallevel ENGLISH PROFICIENCY STUDY. Please feel free to contact Mr.Madhur Jolly on 8882489630 for scheduling an appointment. (Note :-Theregistration is done on first come first serve basis)