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Parents unhappy with new admission norms

Parents Corner   Write Comment 14th December, 2012

School / University: DPS Rohini School

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Parents unhappy with new admission normsTIMES OF INDIA14-DECEMBER-2012New Delhi: The admission guidelines issued by the Directorate of Education on Thursday have, in retaining last years guidelines, disappointed the parents, who were expecting a change in at least the points system.    They had hoped a limit will be imposed on points allotted for categories such as alumni and siblings and more weightage will be given to distance criterion. A batch of PILs over the points system and talks of centralized system had gotten their hopes up.    However, the fact that the guidelines have left the schools to decide on the parameters has come as a relief to school authorities.    This is as per expectation, says Manika Sharma, principal The Shri Ram School, Vasant Vihar.    Meanwhile, the hearing on the PIL, for which DoE was waiting, has been postponed to the middle of January.    Parents and activists were also hoping the guidelines would fix an upper limit on the age of eligible candidates. There is a mass confusion every year because there is no upper limit on age. While in some schools candidates get points for being older than four, in others they will be denied admission into nursery altogether, says Sumit Vohra of admissionsnursery.com.    Guidelines governing EWS admissions into minority schools on government land were also expected. Amit Singla, director, Education says they will now be given in a separate order which is in the process.    Moreover, as lawyer and social jurist, Khagesh Jha points out, that despite discussion on the subject, no provision for grievance-redressal has been mentioned in the guidelines.Information gathered from Internet from Click Here